Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The scales are tipping

I was thrilled to see the reading, when I stepped on the scales this morning. The scales were showing a 200g drop compared to yesterday! And so, is the the case for the last three weeks or so, that I have been trying to conquer Mission 65.

Honestly to say, the last few weeks have been easy. The trouble starts only when you are not at home.
Its easy to manage the breakfast and lunches. There aren't strict guidelines for those.

Dinners, are the real problem. I have been living in a setup where dinner constitutes the heaviest meal of the day. I am still wondering why, we have such a heavy dinner. To top that, we also have it quite late in the night.

As long as I can see have a light dinner, there is steady progress. And when there is something extraordinary, for example, the falafel dinner I had a few days back, had pushed me back almost by a week.

I had committed eight weeks of "food" control, and in the fourth week, I feel like I am halfway through!

For those who are number conscious, the scale read 66.3 kgs.
Is it a coincidence that my height is 66 inches.

1.3 more to go...

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